through the night


Once again we’ve made it to everyone’s favorite part of the week, #tct! If you didn’t know, this is a time for you, the student, to share how God speaks to you in your life through scripture and other things on your heart. This week we have Julie Moore, a senior at Auburn High.

The song “Overnight” by Amy Grant speaks the truth of how as believers in Christ we must learn to believe in what we cannot see– this requires patience and faith. The lyrics go like this:

“If it all just happened overnight, you wouldn’t know how much it means. If it all just happened overnight, You would never learn to believe in what you cannot see.”

There is so much truth in this song and especially there in the chorus. As humans we want our prayers to be answered immediately. We want to see God work crazy miracles in our life so we won’t suffer. But sometimes God uses our situation in life to make us stronger and doesn’t necessarily answer our prayers or give us what we asked for.
“And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.” Romans 5:4
If everything happened overnight we wouldn’t produce faith and we wouldn’t have a need to have trust God through the trials.
“Don’t be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me.” John 14:1
So as you go through the week remember that God is working in our lives even if we can’t see that right now. Trust in Him.
How have you seen God working in your life? Do you trust that He is there even when you can’t see Him? Comment below 🙂

One comment

  1. marylandon · October 21, 2014

    right on Jules


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