fireside chats ft. Julie Moore

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these things, I’ve kinda missed it. Since it’s been a while I’m gonna make all of the text in this paragraph into a rainbow of font colors for your viewing pleasure (or un-pleasure really, this has gotta be hard to read ha).

ANYWAYS, let’s hear from Julie Moore and why her mom’s scared of dogs.

11091237_10204133139306062_8049561293798100406_n Read More

all to Him i owe

Picture the worst day ever: You miss your alarm, forget to put on earrings (girl stuff blech), get pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign, forget your homework, accidentally insult your friend, get kicked off the track team for having not awesome grades, mom took your tablet away so you can’t play Clash of Clans, then she makes your least favorite meal ever for supper… Sounds pretty rough right?

Let me just tell you– that is nothing compared to Jesus’ day He had on Good Friday. Read More

no rest for the wicked

If you’ve been following along, Jesus has had a very tiring two days. They were marked with huge crowds, lots of speaking and a bunch of opposition from religious leaders (If you haven’t been following, here is Monday and Tuesday’s posts).

Remember, while Jesus is the Son of God, He is also a man and because of all He has done, he’s tired. It is widely believed that on this day Jesus rested in preparation for the Passover that was to come.

While Jesus rested for all that was coming, we see another plot line emerge in this story– Judas. Read More